Your anger is in the driver’s seat!
And it’s causing you to lash out at anyone within reach.
The trash is overflowing, and you’re always the one taking it out… or maybe every day feels like laundry day!
It’s been a long day, your boss wasn’t impressed with your report, and now you come home to a noisy house with the kids screaming at each other.
You know your co-worker was only trying to help with your latest project… but do they have to act like such a “know-it-all?” It feels like they enjoy making you look incompetent!
The smallest disagreement easily angers and triggers you. Everything just seems to get under your skin lately, and you feel you could just explode!
It’s eating you up on the inside… and it shows. If you don’t get this unresolved anger under control, you could risk losing your job, harming and ending relationships, and even have long-term health effects that could have a lasting impact on your life.
Therapy can help you manage your anger. Here’s how…
I can help you examine your triggers (what are some causes for the anger), adjust how you look at situations, and develop healthier ways to express your anger and frustration.
I’ll show you how to cope with your anger using best practices, techniques and approaches that are proven effective to help you manage your anger and stop letting it control your life.
If you’re going to be your best, you need to do this!
You can’t go another day without the support you need. Your anger is not only hurting you, but everyone around you and could have terrible long-term emotional or financial outcomes for you and your loved ones.
Your family members and friends are afraid of you. Your coworkers avoid you.
You deserve to experience a life without anger explosions!
You cannot allow your anger to continue to fester as you spiral out of control.
Don’t let this get worse. Now’s the time…
I know you may feel nervous or doubtful that therapy can help. Or maybe you think you’re too far gone and there’s no way of loosening the grip anger has over you.
Take the initial step, and I will help you the rest of the way. Make the call today: (215) 842-8721!
I offer a free 15-minute consultation. During the call, I will answer your questions and determine whether we are a good fit to work together.